Meet Harris Oliver!
Dr. Roberts is a Primary Care Physician in Omaha seeing Harris in his office. Harris has been in frequently and states he hasn’t been seen elsewhere recently. Dr. Roberts often recognizes Harris doesn’t mention or have the best recollection of his care. As Dr. Roberts navigates his chart, he notices nine encounters. Three of these are with him in his own office, but there are a couple he wasn’t aware of including a provider on the other end of town. During his visit, Harris discloses he was at the provider on the other side of town because he was staying with a friend and didn’t have a way to get to Dr. Roberts’ office.
Dr. Roberts sees an opportunity for his nursing staff to explore health relate social needs support, for both housing and transportation offerings. At this visit, the staff offers resources through a brochure which Harris accepts.
Trust is the foundation of good healthcare. With up-to-date information from the secure CyncHealth Iowa Provider Portal, patients can trust their provider to provide the best care possible. Since Dr. Roberts was able to see all of Harris’ health information, he was able to identify other possible needs and provide recommendations beyond the originally stated purpose for the visit.
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