Meet Patty Petunia!
Patty is a 52-year-old female patient in Iowa who’s at her doctor for a routine visit. She comes in annually and is healthy, aside from an occasional flare-up of neck pain. Her doctor, Dr. Roberts, normally manages this but notices Patty has been to the emergency department (ED) twice recently for the same thing. He noticed those ED visits were at different hospitals in town.
Since Patty is at the clinic for pain medication for her neck, knowing she’s been to the ER recently is critical information. To better understand her symptoms, determine appropriate treatment, and ensure safe protocols for prescribing medication, it’s extremely important Dr. Roberts has the information he needs.
Thanks to the Provider Portal showing Dr. Roberts that Patty has been in the ED, he can talk to Patty about her ED visits and educate her on the importance of pain management. Additionally, they discuss a narcotic contract. If Dr. Roberts is going to continue to provide her medication, it’s best she’s held accountable for taking it properly and notifying him of ED visits or changes in her pain levels.
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