CyncHealth Named Certified Data Partner for NCQA’s Data Aggregator Validation Program

CyncHealth Named Certified Data Partner for NCQA’s Data Aggregator Validation Program

August 10, 2022

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WASHINGTON–CyncHealth, Nebraska’s designated state-wide health information exchange, announced today it is among the first two organizations to earn the status of Certified Data Partner for the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) Data Aggregator Validation (DAV) program.

This will allow CyncHealth to consult with organizations seeking designation through the DAV program. CyncHealth was previously in the first cohort to earn Validated Data Stream designation in December 2021.

“We’re honored to have passed NCQA’s rigorous examination into CyncHealth’s capability to provide analysis and recommendations in many essential areas of data standards,” said Melanie Surber, Chief Program Officer at CyncHealth. “This is really a testament to the high bar of data integrity we’ve set for ourselves.”

The DAV program assesses whether the clinical data shared with health plans, providers, government agencies and other organizations are sourced and reported accurately and securely, to increase trust and transparency among stakeholders using it for measurement, payment, reporting — and for those who develop a range of analytics and insights from this data.

Organizations that achieve DAV certification improve the efficiency of HEDIS® audits, since no primary source verification is required, making DAV verification a value-add boost for entities who contract with companies utilizing their data.

CyncHealth now offers support and consulting services to organizations seeking DAV designation that will simplify and accelerate the certification process.

“We’re excited to have achieved Certified Data Partner designation because now we can consult with other organizations in developing, testing and ensuring their data streams meet these advanced standards,” Surber said.

“It’s important to all the communities and organizations we serve and work with that data is shared with integrity, and what we really want is to help set these enhanced standards as the new minimum across the entire healthcare community,” she added.

Interested in how CyncHealth can assist your efforts through DAV? Contact Account Management today and let’s move forward together.

About CyncHealth

CyncHealth is a public health data utility that gives healthcare organizations the power to connect the dots across all points of patient care. As the designated Health Information Exchange (HIE) for Nebraska and Iowa, CyncHealth connects over 5 million lives and 1,135 facilities with more being added every day.

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